I was reading Mother Theresa Nobel Prize Speech. And as always I tremble when I read the words about abortion. How true it is. How simple.
If our societies are OK with wiping away lives of unborn children then murder becomes something quite accustomed.
I can compare both Poland and UK. In Poland abortion is a banned by law with three exceptions. In UK is opened to everyone.
In Poland euthanasia is not yet discussed by Parliment, in UK it is.
In Poland there is no Liverpool Care pathway and even with such limited healthcare budget every life is worth a battle.
I now look back when I was holding my gran by her hand as she was dying. The doctors/nurses were amazing. They have done all they could to save her life, to help with the pain.
How would she die in the UK? She was a perfect candidate for the LCP. 85-years old, no more than few days left.
She has peacefully died at home, having her family praying for her.
And her death was the biggest lesson I could ask for. It showed me that every life is sacred.
It tough me that- taking someone's life - even if we think we have good reasons for it is NEVER the answer. Life is not always perfect- but it is always sacred.
Mother Theresa's words:
"And today the greatest means -
the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion. And we who are
standing here - our parents wanted us. We would not be here if
our parents would do that to us. Our children, we want them, we
love them, but what of the millions. Many people are very, very
concerned with the children in India, with the children in Africa
where quite a number die, maybe of malnutrition, of hunger and so
on, but millions are dying deliberately by the will of the
mother. And this is what is the greatest destroyer of peace
today. Because if a mother can kill her own child - what is left
for me to kill you and you kill me - there is nothing between."
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