I will keep posting about One of Us.
Please sign this petition and please circulate this to as many people as you can.
Together we can stop UE funding abortion and embryo research.
Please click on the ONE OF US photo and to be redirected to their website.
But what is One of US?
“One of Us” is one of the first registered ECIs in the European
Union. It’s goal is to greatly advance the protection of human life from
conception in Europe – within the possibilities of the competency of
the EU. Based on the definition of the human embryo as the beginning of
the development of the human being, which was given in a recent ECJ
judgment (Brüstle vs. Greenpeace), “One of Us” asks the EU to end the
financing of activities which presuppose the destruction of human
embryos, in particular in the areas of research, development aid and
public health.
This will be done through a change of the financial regulation of the
EU that determines the spending of the EU budget. A ban of such funding
will greatly contribute to the consistency within the EU.
We have till 1st November 2013 to collect 1million signatures. Make sure that one of those signatures is yours.
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