Please sign to protect human life

Monday, 20 February 2012


The first two charities I want to raise money for are:
Cardinal Winning Prolife Initiative and Fundacja Nazaret (Nazareth Charity in Poland).

Why I have chosen those two?
1. They are both pro-life.
And I believe that today this is the greatest battle and the most important issue. Human life is today disregarded, small unborn children are being killed every single day in the name of the law. Life begins at the moment of conception. There is no if's or but's. It is simple. So simple.
2. They are both practical.
Both of the charities reach a helpful hand to mothers who found themselves in difficult position. They help in every practical aspect of life. They understand that times are difficult and that saving life means for example to provide necessary clothes etc.
3. They both put Prayer at the heart of their mission.
Once I have heard a beautiful sentence:
"With the power of Jesus do what is impossible, because what's possible everyone can do".
Prayer/faith coupled with hard work can "move mountains".
Whatever cannot be done in human terms- God can always solve.

There is also one more charity (In Poland as well) called Fundacja Pro.
Why do I want to support them?
Because at the moment they seem to pull all prolife movements together. They are not afraid to stand and defend their believes. This charity is also fighting so hard for lives of disabled children. They organize weekly gatherings in front of the hospital where children with Down Syndrome are being killed.

Children are dying every single day. They are dying in the hospitals, their lives are being taken by their parents and doctors. All done in the name of "someone's choice".
We have to fight and stand against this crime. We have defend human life, we have to assist pregnant mothers who need help and we have to pray to Our Merciful Father to end this culture of death.

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