Please sign to protect human life

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Coffee, coffee

Still going on... but at this moment I am certain that it is through the Grace of God that I am able to abstain from coffee rather than my own effort.
I would have fallen few times but the Strong Hand of God holds me.

Monday, 12 March 2012

27 long days

I have just counted the days before Easter. 27days.
Am I crazy? I dont think so. I just love my coffee.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

3rd Sunday

I have send my hubby to the shop yesterday to buy some cake. And he come back with a coffee cake.
I have look at this lovely cake and said: "no, I cant eat it you."
It's difficult but I'll do it for the prolife movement.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

8th of March

I am sorry to be silent for few days. I have cought a cold and had so much work to do.

My coffee giving up is still going. It's difficult to travel on train in the mornings when the carriage is filled up with the smell of coffee.

And today I also want to wish Happy Women Day.
It is this feast that I want to stop at.
Women Day. This is the day that Feminist were having talks in Polish Parliment about rights for reproductive health care. And lets call it by its name- right to kill innocent children.

But do we really want this?
Do we want a right to kill our own children? Do we?

If we are honest about it. If we leave aside this "my choice,my freedom" talk. If we look deep into our hearts as God has made them then we'll find answer to womanhood. That never-ending unconditional love that Creator has written into our hearts.
We are made in His Image. We are create to love and to bring life to this Earth. Not to end life, not to hate.

That is why I support protesters from Fundacja Pro who were standing in front of the Parliment today to shout that nothing is more important than Human Life and no one has a right to take life of unborn innocent children.

So please support Women today especially those little unborn ones.

Monday, 5 March 2012

25th Of March

25th of March is the Feast of Annunciation. It is an important day when Mary teaches us to say YES. To say YES to the new life. To say YES to God's gift- a child.

Today many innocent lives are wiped away because of abortion. And as Mary we have to say YES.
We have to defend human life from the moment of conception to natural death.

So will you say YES?

In my Homeland that day- 25th of March is the beginning for many people of Spiritual Adoption. Wonderful idea, wonderful prayer which saves human lives.

One prayes for 9 months for an unborn baby who's life is in danger. (Prayer ends on Christmas Day if you start on 25th March).

To read more about it visit:
Spiritual Adoption

Please say YES this year.

Train time

I have just started my Outreach week.
And this week means getting 08:08 train from Central Station.
I was almost late for my train - as usual every Monday. I was running towards my platform and then I had to stop...

It was coffee. It was that intense smell of freshly brewed coffee.
If that would be non-lenten day I would definetely give in. I'd rather be late for that train than to miss that cup of loveliness.

And then this evening I had another temptation. My husband (who alsmost never drinks coffee) walked into the kitchen and asked me for cappuccino.
It was a torture.

I wish I could write it's already halfway through but I am not even there.

I pray to my Angel to keep me in this strong will (as I know my will is everything but strong).

Sunday, 4 March 2012

2nd Sunday of Lent

I was reading article in today's newspaper how Britain is shocked that some doctors perform gender selective abortions.
And I ask myself: why is anyone shocked? Why? Why do they think that aborting disabled child or an unwanted child is any better than aborting a child because someone does not like their gender? What is the difference?

I cannot see any difference.
Taking life from an unborn person because he or she is disabled is as unjust and cruel as aborting them because of their gender.
Who are we to decide about someone elses life?

Today is the Transfiguration Sunday. And I pray that people's hearts will be changed to be more welcoming to the unborn little people.

Mother Theresa: "Any country that accepts abortion, is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what it wants."

Saturday, 3 March 2012


I figured it out. Mornings are worst.
I keep drinking tea but it doesnt help.
But I am still going.

Thursday, 1 March 2012


It was usual Thursday.
Morning at home and afternoon at uni. I had one hour to spare which I usually would use to go and have a good cup of coffee.
But instead I had a bottle of water.

My prolife money fund is growing.

10 am- Prayer Time

Today at 10 am (British Time) please pray for those who stand in front of Hospital Bielanski Warsaw to defend life of disabled children.
This is the hospital who praised itself in killing unborn children with Down Syndrome from the whole Poland.
Sometimes other hospital would refuse abortion but not this one.
In 2010 610 disabled children were killed in Poland. That's almost two lives every day.

So please pray to end that injustice